Mulindwa fired by possible presidential handshake

Mulindwa is hoping to meet President Museveni. PHOTO/GEORGE KATONGOLE 

What you need to know:

In a way that speaks volumes about his determination, Mulindwa dreams of sharing a few precious moments with President Museveni - an opportunity that many in his country would greatly covet. 

For Ronald Mulindwa, a star player of the six-man men's National Woodball Team, his drive to win the gold in the upcoming third Beach Woodball World Cup and Malaysia Open Championships is ignited by an unusual source of motivation.

It's the possibility of a meeting with President Museveni that has intensely kindled his competitive flame. The highly anticipated World Cup is scheduled between July 26-31 in Pahang Malaysia.

"I am looking forward to one day making it to the State House and also being recognised as the best sports personality and be rewarded by the President of this country just like any other sports persons," Mulindwa said.

In a way that speaks volumes about his determination, Mulindwa dreams of sharing a few precious moments with President Museveni - an opportunity that many in his country would greatly covet. 

One of the debutants at the World cup alongside Michael Musaasizi, Mulindwa is beaming with pride after making the highly competitive team.

"I don't take anything for granted. I still have to work to be an important member of the team in Malaysia," Mulindwa said.

Mulindwa's love affair with woodball began in 2015, while he was pursuing his bachelor's degree at Ndejje University. It was here that he first encountered the sport that would soon become his passion. 

"That's when I got to know about the sport and was eye-catching which made pick interested in joining the sport. The following year, I joined the Ndejje University woodball team and represented the university for the African Games," he recounts. 

A drive for gold 

Ever since that day, Mulindwa has lived and breathed woodball. His conversations revolve around strategies and techniques, and his nights are filled with dreams of standing on the podium, gold medal nestled against his chest. 

Once a high school basketball player, Mulindwa has redirected his determination and drive towards this unique sport, his heart set on bringing honour to his home soil.

"It is not just about me, it's about my country. I understand the weight of the hopes and expectations that rest on my shoulders," he shared.

As the championships draw nearer, Mulindwa's training regime has been intense. He has been training from dawn till dusk with the national team at Bunjakko Beach in Mpigi District, perfecting his swings, refining his shots, and sharpening his focus.

Every bead of sweat, every aching muscle, is a step closer to his ambition: victory. 

Mulindwa is a man on a mission, a man determined to make his mark on the global stage. 


Date of birth: April 6, 1994
Club: Makerere University Business School
Occupation: Computer Scientist
Major wins: Ndejje Open 2016 men gold, Kenya Open gold mixed doubles, gold 2022 Kyambogo Open