Sunday: Germany-based bodybuilder turns sprinter

Sunday's mind quickly converted but the body rebelled. PHOTOS/COURTESY 

What you need to know:

Sprinting is not something new to the Germany-based athlete. He used to race in early school competitions barefoot; and as a footballer he describes himself as a fast winger and striker.

Bodybuilding is what gave Stephen Sunday the fame he craved for years as a footballer. But the fitness nerd who won Mr. Body of Africa crown at the Mr. Africa International 2023 Championship has kissed bodybuilding goodbye after discovering his potential in sprinting.

Sprinting is not something new to the Germany-based athlete. He used to race in early school competitions barefoot; and as a footballer he describes himself as a fast winger and striker.

So I thought that if I get the right technique from good track and field coaches I can be a better sprinter,” said Sunday after winning his first race in Frankfurt recently.

Sunday used to run 100m in 12 seconds without technique but the more he practiced on tracks and treadmills, his speed kept improving. Joining the Eintracht Frankfurt track and field club was a breakthrough.  “The coach saw areas where he could improve.” After trials, Sunday felt motivated to run on.


The mind quickly converted but the body rebelled. “Because I am a bodybuilder, my muscles were stiff and I injured my left and right hamstrings.”

But he knew how to deal with such injuries. “I also changed my training techniques from bodybuilding to athletics.”

Before he knew it, the coach suggested that he try a competition.  

Sunday didn’t know whether he was ready.  Everything was new: running with spikes, starting on blocks, etc.

But he tried, just to experience the whole thing. Surprisingly, he won the 100m race in 11.75 seconds—his personal best.

“When I checked my video I didn’t use any technique. I just ran as fast as I could. So, this being the beginning, I can only get better.”

It’s not for pleasure. “Uganda has many long distance runners compared to sprinters. So, if I start now, in two, three years I may represent my country.”

Sunday is transiting 

It seems for Sunday there’s no turning back. “I think I was born to do something different from bodybuilding. I did it for some time in Uganda, won some titles and that’s it,” said the man nicknamed King of Abs.

“For now I’m focusing on hyrox (world fitness racing) and track and field.”  

Targeting sub-11

This year Sunday wants to lower his time to 11 seconds flat. “I’m not sure which month I will make it. But next year, I’ll be targeting 10 seconds,” he vowed.

“I know it will require hard work and consistency in the gym and on the track but I will make it.”

 His club has some elite athletes representing Germany at the international level. “We also have good coaches, good facilities and equipment, which is a big motivation for me.

Sunday’s other motivation is that after his debut run, Kenyan sprinter Ferdinand Omanyala, the 2022 Commonwealth Games gold medalist joined his Instagram followers.

“I don’t want to talk about the Olympics yet but in the future I would like to compete on the big stage.”


100m Personal Best: 11.75 seconds

2024 target: 11 seconds

2025 target: 10 seconds

Club: Eintracht Frankfurt

Other sports: football, bodybuilding, Byron