Fufa pick 362 schools for Fifa programme

Big boost. Fifa chief member associations division Kenny Jean-Marie and program manager Antonio Buenano take F4S future trainers through their paces at Fufa Technical Centre, Njeru. PHOTOS/JOHN BATANUDDE 

What you need to know:

While Uganda is the 111th country to benefit from the $100m (about Shs380b) programme from Fifa, it has one of the youngest populations in the world

Fifa is set to launch The Football for Schools (F4S) programme in Uganda on Tuesday at Fufa Technical Centre, Njeru.

The short but concentrated launch – which will be blessed with the presence of Fifa chief member associations division Kenny Jean-Marie and program managers Antonio Buenano and Melvin Mendy plus Fufa president Moses Magogo – is set to later sprout to benefit 362 schools from Fufa’s eight football regions during its implementation stage.

While Uganda is the 111th country to benefit from the $100m (about Shs380b) programme from Fifa, it has one of the youngest populations in the world and the choice to go all out in the football divisions likely means that Fufa will have the fastest growing F4S programme in the world.

The programme aims to contribute to the education, development and empowerment of around 700 million children around the globe.

It seeks to make football more accessible to both boys and girls around the world by incorporating football activities into the education system, in partnership with relevant authorities and stakeholders.

Fifa instructors deliver their lecture. 

For Uganda, where the Ministry of Education and Sports has changed the curriculum to a focus on physical education among other things, the Fifa initiative could not have come at a better time.

Fifa will deliver more than 60,000 foot balls and a one-off payment of $50,000 (about Shs190m) to the country to implement this.

They will also train more than 40 teachers, half of which are women for this and the content of the programme will be accessible on a free ‘Football for Schools’ mobile application (app). The content is focused on developing the children’s ability to train, learn and play together.