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‘Our friendship led to an unbreakable bond’

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Nine years after their introduction ceremony, Caroline Kamagara and Godwin Mwesezi are still deeply in love. Their admiration for each other has never ceased since they met at Uganda Technical College, Bushenyi District, in 2012 where Godwin was pursuing a diploma in mechanical engineering and Caroline, a diploma in electrical engineering.

Their orientation day marked the beginning of their friendship when they were invited to speak to their fellow students.

“He said something about Facebook, which was not common then. It showed he was up to date. I also noticed he was handsome. After the orientation, we exchanged contacts and parted ways,” Caroline recalls.

When their studies began, Caroline and Godwin frequently met in the several course units they shared, which allowed their friendship to grow. However, their romantic feelings did not develop immediately, as their conversations primarily focused on academics.

“Godwin always looked out for me and would prepare a seat for me on the days we shared lectures,” Caroline shares, adding that she noticed that even though Godwin did not openly say he loved her, his actions proved his love for her.

“He would call me every morning to know whether I was okay. He also sent me gifts through his friends. One day, I had unplaited my hair and we met on my way to the salon. He not only accompanied me to the salon but also sat and waited as my hair was being plaited,” Caroline recalls, adding that even with Godwin’s kind actions and her not being in a relationship then, she felt too young for a serious relationship.


For Godwin, Caroline was truly special. She served as the chairperson of a students’ savings group where they both made monthly contributions, “This showed she was responsible. She was also committed to her faith and from our discussion groups, I observed she was intelligent,” Godwin says.

Despite earning money from a printing and photocopying business he owned, Caroline noticed that Godwin managed his finances well. Unlike other students, he was not extravagant and did not have multiple girlfriends to spend on.

 Meanwhile, Caroline was a born-again Christian, while Godwin was a Catholic. However, whenever Caroline invited him to her church for fellowship, he would join her without hesitation.

After completing their diploma programmes, Caroline began her internship while Godwin started working at Crown Beverages Limited. With their jobs in different locations, they could no longer meet as frequently as they had in college.  Godwin asked Caroline to tell her parents that he wanted to marry her, since he had already observed that she would make a good wife.

“I knew she would be supportive and also raise God-fearing children,” he says.

Having observed Godwin for two years, Caroline believed their friendship was strong enough for them to consider marriage. In November 2015, after Caroline’s internship, they had an introduction ceremony in Ntungamo District at Caroline’s parents’ home, after which they started living together.

Having their dream wedding

Seven years later, Caroline and Godwin wedded at Uganda Martyrs Catholic Shrine, Namugongo in April 2022.

With seven years of work experience, Caroline and Godwin had built a strong network of social capital. Their wedding reception, held at Mestil Hotel and Residences in Kampala, was attended by more than 500 guests. The wedding, which cost about Shs84m, was largely funded by contributions from their friends and family.

Godwin had always dreamt of celebrating their joy with a large crowd and wanted to ensure they had stable incomes before tying the knot. This desire led them to wait seven years before having their wedding.

“I enjoyed having a big convoy as well as police escort to church and to the reception which saved us from traffic jam. Having our three children witness our wedding was also a highlight,” Godwin says, adding that seeing their friends and family cheering them on made their day unforgettable.

Caroline expresses gratitude to her matron, Apophia Ananura who ensured she got her dream wedding dress on time.

 “She never left my side. We would always travel to the city centre to look for wedding dresses and made sure I got the perfect one,” she says.

The couple says patience has helped them stand by each other, even when they did not have much. PHOTO/courtesy

Looking back

Caroline says Godwin’s love for her has increased over the years. He takes her for date nights and still surprises her with gifts. Among other achievements, the couple was overwhelmed with joy when they had their firstborn who is now eight years old, and their four-year-old twins.

Godwin says their first year together was challenging as they adjusted to each other’s personalities, but they found solace in learning to tolerate and understand each other as their marriage settled into a new normal.

“While single, you are used to doing things a certain way. However, when I married Caroline, I had to learn to communicate often; for example when leaving work late which I was not used to.  Sometimes, I would forget, which caused a lot of conflict,” Godwin says.

To nurture their marriage, Caroline and Godwin prioritise communication by apologising when in the wrong. Despite their busy schedules, they dedicate time to bond with their children.

“Balancing studies, family and work can be challenging. The solution is in ensuring that when you have time, you are available. For example, during the weekends, we take our children swimming or other activities and this way, they feel our presence,” Godwin advises.

Godwin is currently a production manager at Crown Beverages Limited as well as a student of Master’s degree in Business Administration at Cavendish University while Caroline is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering at Kyambogo University.

 “I married her when I was a technical operator. I later became a shift manager and currently, I am a production manager in the same company. We have moved from a rental to our own house. When we started living together, we did not have even one car but now, each has their own car,” Godwin shares.


Godwin practices transparency by openly communicating with his wife about his activities and decisions, fostering trust and security in their relationship

Caroline highlights the significance of patience in marriage. When she married Godwin at 22 years old, with him being 23, they were fresh graduates with limited financial resources. However, they persevered by working diligently together and nurturing their love for each other. 

Godwin looks forward to supporting Caroline as she pursues her master’s degree, believing it will set a positive example for their children and encourage them to remain focused on their academic goals as they mature.

He adds: “We plan to celebrate one of our marriage anniversaries abroad, possibly in Dubai, to create unforgettable memories and enjoy a special vacation together.’’