23 abductees rescued in joint UPDF-FARDC operation against ADF

UPDF officers interacting with ADF abductees at the tactical headquarters in Luna, Sector Four, Ituri Province, eastern DR Congo. PHOTO | UPDF

What you need to know:

  • Among them are 13 minors, including three infants born in the bush, who are severely malnourished, according to Maj Katamba who also noted that UPDF medical teams are providing emergency care, and arrangements are underway to transfer mothers and infants to a medical facility for comprehensive treatment.

The Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF), in collaboration with the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC), have rescued 23 individuals from the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) during Operation Shujaa. The rescue occurred on Thursday near River Malibongo, north of Tokomeka in Ituri Province, eastern DR Congo.

Maj Bilal Katamba, Public Information Officer for the UPDF's Mountain Division, in a press statement released on Saturday, reported that the joint forces engaged ADF rebels before rescuing the abductees, who included 16 females and 7 males. 

Among them are 13 minors, including three infants born in the bush, who are severely malnourished, according to Maj Katamba who also noted that UPDF medical teams are providing emergency care, and arrangements are underway to transfer mothers and infants to a medical facility for comprehensive treatment.

This rescue follows the UPDF's handover of 22 Congolese nationals to the DRC government just a week earlier. These individuals, abducted from their homes during rebel attacks, were reportedly indoctrinated and recruited into the ADF.

During the handover ceremony in Kasindi, DR Congo, Col George Jeti, Sector 3 Commander of Operation Shujaa, represented the Ugandan government, while Col Chibi Chabene Desire represented the Congolese government.

Col Jeti explained that after their rescue last year, the abductees were transported to Uganda via UPDF helicopters for rehabilitation facilitated by Bridge Way Foundation, which provided essential life skills training.

"This isn't the first time Uganda has handed over rescued abductees. Since the start of Operation Shuuja, we've been consistently returning rescued individuals," Col Jeti said.

Col. Chibi emphasised the unity between Uganda and the DRC, stating, "I am pleased to witness the positive outcomes of our joint operations, which underscore the unity between Uganda and the DRC. Uganda's enemies are our enemies, and vice versa."

He expressed optimism that continued collaboration through Operation Shujaa would help eliminate ADF rebels from eastern DR Congo.

Muhindo Muhasa Fundi, one of the rescued individuals, expressed gratitude, stating: "Throughout the troubles in the DRC, Uganda has stood by us, and we are deeply thankful for the support and economic skills provided by the governments of Uganda and the DRC, including motorcycle mechanics, shoe making, tailoring, and soap making."

Operation Shujaa, now in its 31st month since its launch in November 2021, aims to decisively defeat the ADF, a terrorist organization affiliated with Islamic State.