Bunyoro royal clan members ask kingdom premier to relinquish office

Bunyoro King Solomon Gafabusa Iguru I performs rituals of the new moon cultural festival at Karuzika Palace in Hoima City on May 9, 2024. PHOTO/HANDOUT

What you need to know:

  • Top royal clan leaders want the premier to "hand over office peacefully."
  • But kingdom spokesperson Francis Mugerwa maintains that Byakutaga is still in office by the monarch's mandate.

Members of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom’s royal Babiito Clan have asked the monarchy’s Prime Minister (omuhikirwa) Andrew Byakutaga to bow out of office, saying his contract expired on June 30.

Byakutaga was appointed to the role on January 15, 2018, by Bunyoro King (omukama) Solomon Gafabusa Iguru, replacing Norman Lukumu to serve for at least five years.

His term expired in January 2023, but a Royal Commission chaired by Fred Kabagambe Kaliisa extended it by 18 months which ended on June 30.

However, most ministers who served under Byakutaga’s cabinet bowed out after their contracts expired while the kingdom’s parliament (orukurato) was also dissolved.

On Monday, royal clan members led by chief prince Fred Mugenyi Rucunya noted that “Byakutaga is not supposed to transact any business on behalf of the cultural institution since his tenure ended.”

“…but he can only come to the Kingdom as a friend,” Mugenyi told journalists in Hoima City.

Mugenyi urged Byakutaga to hand over office to the Secretariat headed by the Chief Administrative Secretary.

He emphasized that ailing King Gafabusa is the only one authorized to extend Byakutaga’s leadership beyond June.

Prince Charles Ochak Nyabongo and Princess Ruth Kyebambe urged Byakutaga to hand over office peacefully.

“We do not expect anybody to resist leaving office. We expect calmness and a smooth handover,” they remarked on Monday.

Reacting to the developments, kingdom spokesperson Francis Mugerwa maintained that Byakutaga is still in office legally.

“He is still performing his duties normally as assigned by His Royal Majesty the King of Bunyoro,” Mugerwa noted.

Prime Minister Andrew Byakutaga. PHOTO/HANDOUT

Byakutaga also told reporters on phone that his contract is open with no expiry date.

But Royal Commission secretary Yoramu Nsamba told Monitor that they would sit and come up with a common position over the matter.

“The chief prince is entitled to his opinion. The Commission will sit anytime to deliberate over these matters but,” he added.

In the last five years, Omukama Gafabusa has been rarely seen in public due to ill health.

Health concerns have also rendered the monarch unable to perform his duties although amid public speculation, the kingdom says he is not in a dangerous condition.

On June 11, the kingdom commemorated 30 years since King Gafabusa was coronated. 

*Additional information by David Vosh Ajuna