I will scrap exam fees for candidates - Bobi

  • NUP Presidential candidate Mr Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine pictured in Luuka district on Sunday December 06, 2020. Luuka is the district in which Bobi Wine was arrested mid November causing instantly massive November 18/19 riat claimed over 50. PHOTO/ABUBAKER LUBOWA

What you need to know:

  • Mr Kyagulanyi made the remarks at Kiyunga in Luuka District where he held his first campaign yesterday before proceeding to Kamuli District. 

The National Unity Platform (NUP) presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi, alias Bobi Wine, has promised to scrap examination fees for candidate classes if he is elected president. 

“There is no reason why parents should continue paying this fee after they have been paying fees for all the years in school. When I become president, I will scrap these fees because it is very unfair,” he said. 

Mr Kyagulanyi made the remarks at Kiyunga in Luuka District where he held his first campaign yesterday before proceeding to Kamuli District. 
Currently, according to figures from Uneb each candidate is charged Shs34, 000 for registration for exams and Shs68, 000 for late registration for Primary Seven candidate. 

For Ordinary Level, a candidate pays Shs164, 000 for examination registration and an additional Shs15,000 for each private candidate. For Advanced Level, registration is Shs186, 000 for each candidate and an additional Shs18, 000 for each private candidate.

These fees are subject to changes in case one delays to pay because the late registration fee per candidate for UCE and UACE is 50 per cent of the total registration fee. 

According to the Uganda National Examination Board, the money collected as registration fees is used to facilitate teachers who set examinations, print question papers, mark examinations, pay invigilators as well as facilitate the whole process of enabling candidates sit their examinations. 

“It is taxpayers’ money that pays Uneb officials and all expenses even during the examinations period. So why should the students pay? Are they taught to be at home or go to school? These are the changes that we will make immediately. As I have always said we shall increase salaries of teachers because when they are well facilitated, these fees will not make sense, ” Mr Kyagulanyi told voters yesterday.

On the campaign trail in Kamuli District, he promised to give Speaker of Parliament and Kamuli District Woman MP Rebecca Kadaga a big position in his government if he is elected president on January 14. 

Mr Kyagulanyi said Ms Kadaga has been a good leader but should create space for the young generation to take over the country to steer it to the right direction.

“Please tell aunt (Kadaga) that I love her so much and respect her but she should allow the new generation to take over this country. I will give her a position in my government, she should not worry about that,” he said.   

Kyagulanyi returned to Busoga sub-region two weeks after he was arrested in Luuka District and taken to Nalufenya prison and later charged in court in Iganga District. 

While campaigning yesterday,  Mr Kyagulanyi pointed out the challenge of sugarcane growing. He said he will streamline sugarcane prices and ensure proper sugarcane farming. 

Busoga is a predominantly sugarcane growing area but many locals say the prices have dropped too low and out- growers have been denied licences.

“I know that you suffer from prices of sugarcane for farmers and land grabbers have wreaked more havoc but we shall handle this. Just join me and we take this dictator away,” he said.  

Mr Moses Bigirwa, the NUP parliamentary candidate for Kamuli Municipality, said: “We have been facing many problems but all these will change. I want you people to always support this cause because we know our problems well.”   

After his successful campaign in Kamuli, Bobi Wine was headed for his last rally in Budondo Village Jinja District but police blocked him a few meters after Buwenge.

Bobi Wine’s entourage was diverted to a village road towards Budondo. The convoy was cut off from the back and front as security fired teargas. 

Bobi Wine’s close ally Ali Bukeni, alias Nubian Li, was hit and injured by a tear gas canister on his head.

Some supporters of presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi who were arrested at Budondo Sub-county, Jinja District, while heading to the last rally yesterday.   PHOTO/DAVID LUBOWA

Attempting to ask what was going on, Bobi Wine’s private guards and supporters were arrested and put onto a waiting truck but they later escaped. 

“They have tortured us but we managed to escape. One of the officers cut my hands and on my head,” said a profusely bleeding supporter of Bobi Wine who declined to be named.