Kyambogo to fundraise Shs8 billion for science complex

School leaders at Kyambogo College School addressing journalists at the school on July 4, 2024. Photo/Mike Sebalu

What you need to know:

  • The Head Master Kyambogo College School, Mr Stanley Mugume said the school's agenda is to improve science education and innovation.

The management of Kyambogo College School has started mobilizing for shs8 billion to construct a modern multi-purposed science complex.

The fundraising drive is expected to be launched by President Museveni on  August 10 as the school commemorates 70 years of existence.

The Head Master Kyambogo College School, Mr Stanley Mugume said the school's agenda is to improve science education and innovation.

“And that’s the very reason why as we are celebrating the 70 years on the 10th August, we need to put up a multipurpose science laboratory complex to improve on what we stand for, science, “ he said.

Mr Mugume added, “It is going to be having all the sciences laboratories including Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Agriculture, but also it will have ICT laboratories, and the administration block.”

He was addressing journalists about the school’s pending platinum jubilee celebrations at the school premises in Kyambogo.

In 2006, the government established a policy that made core science subjects (physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics) compulsory for all lower secondary students.

The government also developed the National Science Technology and Innovation (STI) policy in 2009 to provide the framework for promoting science and technology in the Country.

According to Uganda Professional Science Teachers' Union (UPSTU) on the key factors affecting science education, insufficient infrastructure poses a significant barrier to effective science education.

UPSTU in its July 2023 research paper stated that many schools lack well equipped laboratories, classrooms and facilities necessary to support hands on experimentation and scientific exploration.

It added that the absence of suitable infrastructure hinders students from ‘practical engagement, limiting their ability to apply theoretical knowledge in a real world context.

Founded in 1954 as a small demonstration junior secondary school, the school has nurtured prominent individuals in Uganda like Dr Apollo Musisi, one of the brains behind the formation of the Uganda’s first ever satellite, the Kyabazinga Apollo Nelson Makubuya, the Executive Director Wildlife Education Centre, media and sports personalities, among others.

According to Dr Stephen Kasumba, the Chairperson Board of Governors, President Museveni in his biographical book, “Sowing the Mastered Seed,” revealed that he used to be secretly accommodated in one of the staff house that was occupied by James Karuhanga a then teacher of Mathematics between 1971- 1973.

Mr Karuhanga was later arrested and executed publicly by Military firing squad in his home town Mbarara on February 18, 1973.

Mr Kasumba added that, “ as a school we have developed a five year strategic development plan which if implemented intends to make Kyambogo College School a Centre of Science and Academic excellence, “he said

After the retirement of the late Mr Gerald Lukwago in 2004, Kyambogo College School has had four other Head teachers; the Late Ms Anne Lubanga (2004-2013), the late Ms Tumwesigye Annie (2013-2018), Ms Twongyeirwe Hellen (2018-2022) and Mr Mugume Stanley (2022 to date)

As they celebrate the platinum jubilee, a number of activities have also been scheduled on the roadmap starting with a platinum jubilee marathon, engagement with local communities, a fundraising dinner, outreach programs, community outreach activities for selected vulnerable groups among others.

The Chairperson Kyambogo Old Students Association Eng. Dan Iga said as old students, they are undertaking the initiative to spread a campaign to remove Asbestos sheets from the school roofs.