Makerere, King Oyo sign research deal

Tooro King Oyo Nyimba (C) flanked on the right by Makerere University Vice Chancellor Prof John Ssentamu Ddumba pose for a photo with members of Makerere University Tooro Students Association, at the university last Friday. Photo by Amos Ngwomoya

Kampala. Makerere University and Tooro Kingdom have signed an agreement on research and innovation.
The deal was signed at Makerere University last Friday by the Vice Chancellor Prof John Ddumba Ssentamu, and the King of Tooro, Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru IV, at the request of Makerere University Tooro Students’ Association (MUTOOSA).
Prof Ddumba said Makerere University will partner with Tooro Kingdom in areas of teaching, learning, research, innovation and networking.

“Tooro Kingdom came to us and their interest was basically innovation and they asked if there is a way we could partner with them and as university, we endorsed their proposal. For now, we have begun with the School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bio-Engineering because it produces value-addition items like fruits and wines,” Prof Ddumba said.
King Oyo advised the students to be disciplined and believe in themselves, arguing that it is from this that they will determine their success in life. He further warned students to guard against HIV and drug abuse, cautioning that life has no spare parts.

David Bala Bwiruka, the Makerere University guild president, requested King Oyo to use his international collaboration to n strenthen reseach in Makerere University.
At the same function, students from the Tooro Royal Family at Makerere University, launched an App called LOVE TOORO to link the Batooro in the Diaspora.
The App will help the Batooro cherish their heritage.