Soroti LC3 chairperson remanded over aggravated defilement charges

The accused Peter Ebau, the Awaliwal LC3 Chairman.

What you need to know:

According to the charge sheet, Ebau allegedly recruited, transported, and received a 16-year-old girl, Mary Immaculate Ameja, from Katakwi Dstrict between January 2021 and 2022, using his position and power to exploit her vulnerability. He is also accused of performing a sexual act on her

The LC3 chairperson of Awaliwal Sub County, Soroti District, Peter Ebau, has been remanded to Soroti government prison over allegations of aggravated defilement. The 38-year-old appeared before Grade One Magistrate Apollo Kasujja Kinirige on two counts of aggravated defilement and trafficking in persons. He was denied bail due to the nature of the offenses, which are capital offenses only triable by the High Court.

According to the charge sheet, Ebau allegedly recruited, transported, and received a 16-year-old girl, Mary Immaculate Ameja, from Katakwi district between January 2021 and 2022, using his position and power to exploit her vulnerability. He is also accused of performing a sexual act on her.

Ebau was represented by Counsel James Felix Olobo, while Ms. Stella Marries Lunyolo represented the state. This was his second appearance in court, having been denied bail previously due to the absence of the state lawyer.

Ebau was first arrested earlier this month but was released two weeks ago after the baptism particulars of the girl were altered, leading to further investigations. The parish priest of St. Pancras Catholic parish, Toroma, confirmed that the baptism card had been altered to read Mary Immaculate Abeja instead of Mary Immaculate Ameja. The OC CID Soroti central police station also confirmed discovering the alteration during their investigation.

Ebau will appear in court again on June 14 for a mention of the case.