Shs5.9m stolen as suspected thugs raid boda Sacco in Masaka

Some members of Kimaanya-Kabonera Boda Boda Myooga Sacco in Masaka City inside the office which was raided on Wednesday. PHOTO BY GERTRUDE MUTYABA

What you need to know:

The incident occurred on Wednesday, July 3, at their offices in Kijjabwemi, a city suburb, when a group of about 20 men, led by Abdallah Ssenabulya, allegedly stormed the premises and made off with the money

Members of the Kimaanya-Kabonera Boda Boda Myooga Savings and Credit Cooperative Society in Masaka City are lamenting the theft of their Shs5.9million savings, following a raid by criminals.

The incident occurred on July 3 at their offices in Kijjabwemi, a city suburb, when a group of about 20 men, allegedly led by Abdallah Ssenabulya stormed the premises and made off with the money.

According to Ibrah Kiyimba, the Sacco chairperson, the members had gathered for a meeting to discuss loan applications.

"Occasionally, we sit as a group and discuss how money should be used properly before taking it. So, we had withdrawn Shs900,000 from the bank and another group had returned Shs5m. Suddenly, Ssenabulya's group attacked us, hijacked me, and took the money from the safe," Kiyimba explained in an interview on Thursday.

The attackers also destroyed portraits of President Museveni, Kabaka Mutebi II, and State Minister for Micro Finance Haruna Kasolo, which were hanging in the office.

Ssenabulya, the chairperson of the Boda Boda riders in Masaka City, denies the allegations, claiming he was beaten up by Sacco members and reported the incident to police.

However, he admitted going to the office to investigate the Sacco chairperson, whom he suspects of mismanaging Emyooga funds.

Ssenabulya also denied carrying a pistol, explaining that he was actually carrying a wooden tobacco pipe, known locally as an 'emindi', which his fellow riders mistakenly believed was a gun.

Gonzaga Muteesasira, the coordinator of the Emyooga Programme in Greater Masaka, condemned the infighting among leaders, which he said may jeopardize the Sacco's prospects.

"We will investigate and ensure the money is recovered. We suspect some individuals intend to sabotage the Myooga program in this region, but we won't allow it," Muteesasira said.

Southern Region Police Spokesperson Twaha Kasirye confirmed the incident and said investigations are underway.

"We have summoned Ssenabulya to record a statement, as he is suspected of raiding the office with a group of men and stealing Sacco money," Kasirye said.