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I had a dream about a Muhoozi-Bobi leadership

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Mr Immanuel Ben Misagga is a football investor and businessman.

This is a true story! It was one of those nights a few days ago when I had the perfect dream for Uganda’s political establishment. 

The setting was Kololo ceremonial grounds where a mammoth crowd had turned up to watch Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba swear in as the new president of Uganda.

I don’t remember the official reason why President Museveni had left power or how Muhoozi had been elected but there were murmurs in the crowd that President Museveni had retired midway into his seventh term to pave way for a united Uganda that includes the opposition in the running of the country.

Muhoozi had been fully decorated in his military attire and beside him was Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine, as the incoming Prime Minister. A cheerful Bobi even got a moment to perform a special song called “Unity is strength” as the crowd roared on.

The two leaders had struck a pact to have an all-inclusive government in order to avoid an impending bloodbath in the country, deeply divided by politics and tribal differences. It happened that Muhoozi had control of the state structures in his hands while Bobi had the following of most citizens, especially the youth.

To counter the situation, it had been agreed to form a unity government with two levels of Parliament; the lower one chaired by Thomas Tayebwa deputised by Mr Asiku Abdulmutalib, a legislator from Yumbe and the upper one with Dr Saudah Namyalo Birabwa of Makerere University as Speaker .

I recall seeing the likes of Kizza Besigye, Amama Mbabazi, Gen David Sejusa and a plethora of religious and cultural leaders wildly cheering the new arrangement.

In his speech, Bobi Wine said his NUP party had been wrongly castigated as a union of abusive, insolent individuals because all options of political discourse had been closed and they only remained with social media to vent their frustrations with governance in the country.

He said that with this new arrangement, the country had a solid future. Richard Todwong had been named as Vice President.

When Jimmy Akena, the designated Minister of Internal Affairs rose to speak, he recalled the tumultuous days of his father when the country was divided between the north and the south.

He praised the new regime for being pro-people.

Mugisha Muntu had been named to steer the Ministry of Defence and was speaking with a comfortable military mentality assuring the populace of the security of their investments and lives.

They had appointed the 3 deputy Prime Ministers with specific roles ; 1st Deputy Winnie Kiiza (General Duties)

2nd Deputy Charles Peter Mayiga ( to build regional government structures), 3rd Deputy Pamela Namakanda Watuwa ( development of social structures for the Eastern and North Eastern Uganda, integration of Luwero in terms of general home income generating societies) 

The President was to appoint seven  cabinet ministers of his choice, The prime minister was to appoint 6 ministers of his choice where as Hon Kabanda, Michael Katungi and Lewis Rubongoya, Luttamaguziwhere tasked to build their individual Party structures in 5-7 years before elections. Hon Balaam Barugahare had been tasked to take the position of Minister of Cooperatives and Investments. Mao had been assigned as Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs.

The architects of this Union Prince Kakungulu, Archbishop Odama, Amanya Mushega, Miriam Matembe, Pastor Kiganda, Pulkol, Archbishop Orombi, Justice Ogola were cheering as the swearing-in was going on. Emeritus IGP Ochola was the incoming Attorney General, Eng John Vian Twinomujuni gave a comprehensive formula to work on all internal road networks and those leading to Congo and South Sudan in his capacity as minister of Roads, Housing and Urban development

From a realistic point of view, it is perhaps high time Gen Muhoozi and Bobi Wine sat for a drink to plan for the next phase of Uganda’s political future.

Mr Immanuel Ben Misagga  is a businessman.