A toast to 30 years of Kabaka’s reign

Kabaka Mutebi (centre) takes an oath of allegiance to his subjects during his coronation in July 1993. PHOTO/FILE

What you need to know:

  • The issue: Achievements
  • Our view: Kabaka Mutebi has fostered unity and peace by pushing for reconciliation among the people of Buganda and beyond.
  • He has had to navigate the complexities of our country’s political landscape and maintained the kingdom’s autonomy and cultural identity.

Today, Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II celebrates 30 years since his coronation following the restoration of the kingdom. He ascended to the throne on July 31, 1993, making him the 36th king of Buganda. This was after a string of talks between the central government and Mengo, following the abolition of traditional institutions by Apollo Milton Obote’s regime. 

During today’s coronation anniversary, we highlight some of kabaka’s achievements over the years. As the world becomes more interconnected and globalised, traditional institutions such as the Buganda Kingdom, face the challenge of preserving their cultural heritage while adapting to modernity and the changing societal expectations. As we all know, the kabaka holds a significant position in the hearts and minds of the Baganda and Ugandans at large. Managing expectations and meeting the diverse needs and aspirations of everyone can be a challenging responsibility.

However, in these three decades, Kabaka Mutebi has preserved and promoted Buganda’s cultural heritage. As the cultural leader of Uganda’s largest ethnic group, he has actively done this through cultural ceremonies such as coronations, rituals, and events, ensuring that Buganda’s traditions and customs are kept alive.

Secondly, Kabaka Mutebi has fostered unity and peace by pushing for reconciliation among the people of Buganda and beyond. He has had to navigate the complexities of our country’s political landscape and maintained the kingdom’s autonomy and cultural identity within the broader national framework. With this, he has encouraged peaceful coexistence and has been a unifying figure for all the Baganda and friends of Buganda Kingdom.

The kabaka has also been an advocate for development and education in Buganda. He has supported initiatives and projects such as the Kabaka Education Fund, which has provided bursaries to thousands, in addition to him establishing schools and higher institutions of learning.

He also started and supported Bucadef, a developmental initiative that gives technical advice to his people, especially on agriculture and provision of other social services. All these aim to improve the socio-economic conditions of all people in Buganda and enhance educational opportunities for the youth.

Additionally, Kabaka Mutebi has worked hard on that front to ensure that his subjects are healthy. 

Each year, the Kabaka Birthday Run that attracts mammoth crowds is dedicated to creating awareness and raising funds to fight particular diseases. The Kabaka has gone ahead to represent the Buganda Kingdom on the national and international stage, engaging in diplomatic activities and cultural exchanges with other leaders and organisations alike as he creates awareness about these initiatives. Congratulations Kabaka Mutebi on your 30 years on the throne.