Katumba promises capital for women

This file photo taken on December 08, 2020 shows- Presidential Candidate John Katumba displaying money donated to him by his supporters in Masaka City. PHOTO/FILE/MALIK FAHAD JJINGO

What you need to know:

  • Mr Katumba said if elected president, he will restore the two presidential terms and the age limit for president. 

Independent presidential candidate John Katumba has promised to provide capital to poor women to enable them set up businesses, employ jobless youth and support their families.

Mr Katumba , who is a fresh university graduate, said women are good entrepreneurs, and if they are assisted  to  harness their potential, they can change the fortunes of many youths . 

“On my campaign trail, I have come across many unemployed youth and women with small businesses. Such  people need financial  support to boost their businesses and I promise to assist them when become president ,” he said during his rally in Buwama Town Council in Mpigi District on Wednesday. 

Mr Katumba said if elected president, he will restore the two presidential terms and the age limit for president. 

The two-term limit was scrapped in 2005 while the age limit was removed in 2017.
“Presidential term limits are a key catalyst for democracy because people get hope that after a specific period of time, the president will step aside and another person takes up the mantle .But here in Uganda, this hope completely faded the day MPs removed the term limits,” Mr Katumba said.

He said he will also use the money spent on procuring tear gas to construct more  health centres and stock them with drugs.

Mr Katumba asked the government to pay air time for presidential candidates to appear on both radio and television programmes to sell their manifestos since they are restricted from addressing large gatherings.