Champions League Season III: Week One highlights

Nerrick Tumusiime (L) catches Broline Kimbugwe. PHOTO/JOHN BATANUDDE 

What you need to know:

Outside the ring or the gym, he is this soft-spoken young boy with dark glowing skin, and no signs of being a boxer.

Finally, the Uganda Boxing Champions League Season Three started with 20 bouts, including box-offs to sort those special cases who did not qualify directly. The turn-up, the aura, and the matches matched the occasion. Below are the highlights in detail.

‘Nerrick Bulabe’

Nerrick Tumusiime is an unusual character. Outside the ring or the gym, he is this soft-spoken young boy with dark glowing skin, and no signs of being a boxer.

But on the canvas,  he is a ring beast, like some of his fans call him.

Last month, he was a beneficiary of a controversial split decision against Owen Kibira in the National Open final. But we all agreed: the boy is dangerous, as his nickname Nerrick Bulabe suggests.  

And as Broline Kimbugwe found out, you need to be smart and solid to defeat him. When Kibugwe, aka Stylist, dominated him in the third round of the main bout on Saturday, many thought Tumusiime was tired.

They were wrong. He returned with more will and rage. His left eye was red, due to Kimbugwe’s power shots but he was more aggressive, as both landed and conceded some heavy shots.

In the fifth, Tumusiime threw the proverbial kitchen sink to his opponent: jab, hooks uppercuts to the head and body until the referee counted against Kimbugwe.

Shouts, whistles, and drums filled the fully-packed Lugogo Arena. Everyone was engaged as the fearless youngster took matters into his fists.

And when the judges scored it 5:0 for Tumusiime, no one complained. He can get better if he works on his stamina and defensive game. But he is a gem.

Big crowds

In Season Two there were some match days when you thought the Arena was too big for Champions League nights, with many yellow chairs feeling cold and lonely.

But on Saturday, some suggested that the organisers look for a bigger venue as almost every inch of the Arena was filled.

The audience was also lively. Was it due to good marketing? Or because the matchmaking was spot-on?

The organisers, eager to seduce more sponsors should pray that such numbers keep coming.

No incidences

Most incidents at boxing events are triggered by controversial decisions by ring officials.

Unnecessary warnings or points deductions, by referees and results decisions widely against fans’ expectations.

But on Saturday night the men and women in white shirts and black bowties scored most fights right.


Comedians Maulana & Reign alongside Madrat & Chiko staged a mockery of a boxing fight. Madrat’s moves were too surreal for my liking, but do I matter if the crowds were mesmerised?

Traditional dance troupes kept us entertained in those breaks between fights. I hope the tradition is maintained.


The main fight usually happens by 10 pm but it started at 11:59 pm, and the five rounds ended close to 12:30 am.

Of course that does not match the evil at professional boxing events. But no addiction starts with an overdose. Over to you Top Boy Promotions. 

UBF Boxing Champions League 

Select Results 

Eliphaz Mbaziira 5-0 Leon Kiggundu

James Japyem 4-1 Shafick Babiro

Zahara Nandawula 4-1 Gertrude Naava

Joyce Kugonza 5-0 Shamim Nabbumba

Livingstone Matovu 5-0 Sadat Kabito

Kasim Murungi 5-0 Trevor Mudenya

Edward Kimera 5-0 Frank Kazungu

Alfred Ojok 5-2 Harold Mukuye