Women’s role in the Covid-19 era is very crucial

Author, Barbara Alupo. PHOTO/FILE.

What you need to know:

  • Ms Barbara Alupos says: There is more acceptance that women bring different experiences.

International Women’s Day is celebrated annually on March 8. The day offers an opportunity to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women while also making a call to action for strengthening gender equality and accelerating women’s empowerment. 

This year’s theme: ‘Building on women’s strength for a better future in a Covid-19 world,’  highlights the tremendous efforts of women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. Women take on a central role in the fight against Covid-19 crisis as healthcare frontline workers, caregivers, innovators, community organisers given their exemplary and leadership role in combating the pandemic.  

The crisis has highlighted both the centrality of their contributions and the disproportionate burdens that women and girls carry.

Women leaders and women’s organisations have demonstrated their skills, knowledge and networks to effectively lead in the Covid-19 response and recovery efforts and this calls for a celebration. 

Today, there is more acceptance than ever before that women bring different experiences, perspectives and skills to the table, and make irreplaceable contributions to decisions, policies and laws that work better for all. It is this realisation that drives the targeting of women and girls as critical agents in other aspects such as ending violence against children and fighting child marriages, which is closely related to teenage pregnancies.

Building on  experiences world over where women’s leadership has been hailed in the fight against Covid-19, World Vision in Uganda seeks to engage women and girls in the “It takes a world to end violence against children campaign, especially during this Covid-19 crisis.” As such, World Vision’s theme for this year’s Women’s Day celebrations is: ‘The role of women and girls in ending child marriage: Achieving an equal future in a Covid-19 world.’ This is in recognition of the critical role women and girls can play to see there is an end to child marriage, child sacrifice and violence against children in Uganda by 2030. 

The theme celebrates the tremendous efforts by women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. It is also aligned with the priority theme of the 65th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, “Women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life as well as the elimination of violence, for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls,” and the flagship generation equality campaign, which calls for women’s right to decision-making in all areas of life, equal pay, equal sharing of unpaid care and domestic work, an end to all forms of violence against women and girls, and healthcare services that respond to their needs.

World Vision, in partnership with other stakeholders, has continued to fight all forms of violence across different regions of the country.  World Vision believes this will help reduce all forms of abuse against children, especially during this pandemic and beyond. 

Late last year, ‘The 16 days against gender-based violence campaign’, was launched in 10 districts, including Soroti, Nakasongola, Gulu, Kibale, Hoima, Buliisa, Mbale, Tororo, Amuria and Kampala.  Different stakeholders were brought on board to participate and commit to protecting children against child marriage, child sacrifice and violence in school. According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, women comprise 52 per cent of Uganda’s population. 

World Vision, in partnership with other stakeholders, continues to discuss avenues through which women and girls can lead the fight against teenage pregnancy and child marriage, highlighting key considerations, challenges, gaps and opportunities with regard to protecting children from violence in the face of Covid-19 and rally the support of women leaders for the ‘It takes a world’ campaign initiative.

Ms is Barbara Alupo is the gender and inclusion 
specialist at World Vision Uganda.